The University of Texas at Dallas
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Queer South

Where Do We Exist for All of Time? A Zine about Queer Southern Zines

Where Do We Exist for All of Time? A Zine about Queer Southern Zines

Zines are very important to queer history and counterculture in general. In this project, we examine how queer identity has been expressed through zine culture and take a look at how Southern queer folk were able to express themselves through this medium.

A zine is a small, self-published magazine that has been around for many years, with it being popularized for punk and other countercultures in the 1970s and on. This project examines zines from the ’80s to early 2000s on queer culture in the South, along with the many facets of one’s queer identity in the South.

Cover of the zine Where Do We Exist for All of Time.